Intellectual Property

Devices & Diagnostics

GLNT gets another patent to treat Parkinson’s for transcranial direct current stimulation during sleep

  Great Lakes NeuroTechnologies, a Cleveland-area company that promised more focus on DBS treatments as well as new products this year, has expanded its intellectual property in that area. The patent covers a wearable apparatus that positions an array of electrodes on the surface of the scalp and provides low-dose stimulation to the brain using […]


Protecting your IP: Q&A with a patent attorney about China and the AIA

Patent laws are changing. The America Invents Act has shifted U.S. patent laws to a “first-to-file” system from a “first-to-invent” system, according to attorney Steven Auvil, chair of the intellectual property practice group at Benesch in Cleveland. Auvil’s work focuses largely on litigation of intellectual property disputes. In the interview below, he discusses changes to […]


Patent award to BDSI triggers $15M milestone payment from Endo Pharma

A drug delivery technology patent awarded to BioDelivery Sciences International (NASDAQ:BDSI) has triggered a $15 million milestone payment from drug partner Endo Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:ENDP). Raleigh, North Carolina-based BDSI said today that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has formally awarded a patent for the company’s “Transmucosal Delivery Devices with Enhanced Uptake,” a patent that covers […]